For an example app that uses Mix and works on Gigalixir, see
Configuration and Secrets
Then append something like the following in prod.exs
. Don’t replace what you already have, just add this to the
config :gigalixir_getting_started, GigalixirGettingStartedWeb.Endpoint,
http: [port: {:system, "PORT"}], # Possibly not needed, but doesn't hurt
url: [host: System.get_env("APP_NAME") <> "", port: 443],
secret_key_base: Map.fetch!(System.get_env(), "SECRET_KEY_BASE"),
server: true
config :gigalixir_getting_started, GigalixirGettingStarted.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
ssl: true,
pool_size: 2 # Free tier db only allows 4 connections. Rolling deploys need pool_size*(n+1) connections where n is the number of app replicas.
server: true
is very important and is commonly left out. Make sure you have this line included.
with your app name e.g.:my_app
with your endpoint module name. You can find your endpoint module name by running something likegrep -R "defmodule.*Endpoint" lib/
Phoenix 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 give different names, so this is a common source of errors.
with your repo module name e.g.MyApp.Repo
You don’t have to worry about setting your
config because we
generate one and set it for you.
Don’t forget to commit your changes
git add config/prod.exs
git commit -m "setup production deploys"
Let’s make sure everything works.
APP_NAME=foo SECRET_KEY_BASE="$(mix phx.gen.secret)" MIX_ENV=prod DATABASE_URL="postgresql://user:pass@localhost:5432/foo" PORT=4000 mix phx.server
Check it out.
curl localhost:4000
If everything works, continue on to Set Up App for Deploys.
Specify Buildpacks (Optional)
We rely on buildpacks to compile and build your release.
We auto-detect
a variety of buildpacks so you probably don’t need this, but if you want to specify your own buildpacks create a .buildpacks
file with the buildpacks
you want.
For example,
is optional if you do not have Phoenix static assets.
For more information about buildpacks, see the Life of a Deploy.
Note, that the command that gets run in production depends on what your last buildpack is.
- If the last buildpack is
, then the command run will be something likeelixir --name $MY_NODE_NAME --cookie $MY_COOKIE -S mix phx.server
. - If the last buildpack is
, then the command run will bemix phx.server
. - If the last buildpack is
, then the command run will bemix run --no-halt
If your command is mix run --no-halt
, but you are running Phoenix (just not the assets pipeline), make sure you set server: true
in prod.exs
We highly recommend keeping gigalixir-buildpack-mix
last so that your node name and cookie are set properly.
Without those, remote_console, ps:migrate, observer, etc won’t work.