Gigalixir-18 Reaches End-of-life

Goodbye old friend.

The Gigalixir-18 stack has been good to us, but all good things must come to an end. The Gigalixir-18 stack will no longer receive any package or security updates.

Please upgrade your applications to a newer stack to ensure your applications are secure and up-to-date.

Upgrading an existing application

Version Compatibility

If you are running elixir, please check the version compatibility charts below.

Stack Minimum OTP Version Maximum OTP Version
gigalixir-18 17.0 23.3.2
gigalixir-20 20.0 27.0+
gigalixir-22 24.2 27.0+
gigalixir-24 24.3 27.0+

At the time of writing, 27.0 is the newest version of OTP available. The Gigalixir-20, 22, and 24 stacks will continue receive updates until their respective end-of-life dates.

OTP Minimum Elixir Version Maximum Elixir Version
17 1.0.0 1.1.1
18 1.0.5 1.5.3
19 1.2.6 1.7.4
20 1.4.5 1.9.4
21 1.6.5 1.11.4
22 1.7.0 1.13.4
23 1.10.3 1.14.5
24 1.11.4 1.16.3
25 1.13.0 1.17.1+
26 1.14.4 1.17.1+
27 1.17.0 1.17.1+

At the time of writing, 1.17.1 is the newest version of Elixir available and OTP 25, 26, and 27 will continue to receive updates.

Build Type Compatibility

If upgrading to Gigalixir-20 or Gigalixir-22, there should be little concern for build type (mix, distillery, or releases) compatibility.

Beginning with Gigalixir-24, builds default to Elixir Releases and the Distillery build type is no longer supported. See the Gigalixir-24 Announcement for more information.

Performing the Upgrade

To upgrade an existing application to the gigalixir-24 stack, you can run the following command:

gigalixir stack:set gigalixir-24

After setting the stack, you will need to push a new commit to rebuild and redeploy your application to apply the changes. You can revert back through the same process.

We recommend you also clean the build cache when switching stacks:

git -c http.extraheader="GIGALIXIR-CLEAN: true" push gigalixir

Stack End-of-life Schedule

The gigalixir stacks will receive package and security updates until the End-of-life date sepcified below.

Stack Available End-of-life
gigalixir-24 May 2024 2029-03-31
gigalixir-22 May 2022 2027-03-31
gigalixir-20 May 2020 2025-03-31
gigalixir-18 May 2018 2024-06-30
gigalixir-16 2017 2021-06-30
gigalixir-14 2017 2019-06-30